Little Buddies Partnerships

The Challenge

Many businesses in have large amounts of organic waste that are either sent to landfill, or trucked out of region to be processed in large scale facilities. We offer an alternative: let's process it together and return the spoils to Waikato soils.

At the end of the day, there are three reasons why a business will alter its behaviour:

  1. To comply with legislation

  2. To gain a competitive advantage by listening to the market

  3. To reduce costs, or increase revenue (ideally both)

Legislation is coming that will impact businesses who do not get ahead on their sustainability initiatives. It is only a matter of time and the clock is ticking.

We think we have a solid solution to points 2 & 3 right now, and those who choose to invest in getting ahead of the curve with regards to sustainability will have a competitive advantage over those who ignore the changes that will inevitably impact us all.

The Solution - Little Buddies Partnerships

Little Buddies Partnerships are available to businesses/farms that produce large volumes of waste. We manage the composting and vermiculture processes for you to efficiently convert your waste into high quality vermicast and compost. There is zero touch required by you - we manage the entire process.

If you are a large producer or carrier of organic waste, we would love to learn about your situation and how we work together


We receive food waste, green waste and organic waste from businesses who produce large volumes of waste and transform it into high quality compost and vermicast.

Tonnage fees for processing waste are rebated from the buyback end product. Where no buyback is required, profit share of product sold can also be negotiated.

On Site Services

We are available to manage composting and vermiculture processes at your location, freeing you up to focus on what you do best, while we ensure your composting and worm farming practices are optimal.

All compost and vermicast remains with you to use as you see fit.

(Some conditions apply)

Waste Carriers

We have volume available to receive organic waste from waste carriers to provide another local option for disposal of organic waste via composting and vermiculture.

We are keen to partner with waste carriers to free you up to focus on your fleet and growing your business, while we focus on processing organic waste efficiently.

We can shape how we work together based on our partner program options. For the volumes that waste carriers deal with, other options are available - let's chat.

Let's talk.

We'd love to hear about your organic waste and sustainability strategy and how we can help deliver on it. 

Reach out to us using the form below and we will be in touch.

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How Little Buddies Helps Businesses Achieve Sustainability Goals

Sustainability is more than a buzzword—it's a critical component of modern business strategy. Little Buddies is here to help businesses achieve their sustainability goals through effective food wasRead more

Earth Day 2024: A Call to Action for Our Planet

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Little Buddies to the Rescue: Turning Food Waste into Compost Gold

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Consulting Services - Your Waste, Our Expertise

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Evolving Organic Waste Management: A Call to Action for Waste Carriers

In the evolving landscape of waste management, the role of waste carriers is becoming increasingly crucial. Little Buddies is spearheading an initiative to transform organic waste handling, offeringRead more

Simplifying Sustainability: Co-Located Services by Little Buddies

For many businesses, the desire to engage in sustainable waste management practices like composting and vermiculture clashes with the realities of urban regulations, space constraints, and theRead more

Choosing the Right Organic Waste Management Method: Anaerobic Digestion vs. Aerobic Hot Composting

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Small Steps to Big Change: Cultivating a Sustainable Business Culture

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The Perils of Organic Waste in Landfill

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